Tag Archives: verb

Greek Personal Pronouns: Nominative Case

The Personal Pronouns, in the Nominative Case A personal pronoun, when expressed as the subject of a verb, is usually, if not always, emphatic. (1) εγω εχω I have ο δε ιωαννης διεκωλυεν αυτον λεγων εγω χρειαν εχω υπο σου … Continue reading

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Greek Verb: Present, Indicative, Active

A Verb Ending In -ω In The Present, Indicative, Active Most Greek verbs end in ω in the first person singular of the present, indicative, active. (1) I believe πιστευω και ευθεως κραξας ο πατηρ του παιδιου μετα δακρυων ελεγεν … Continue reading

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Greek Verb “To be”

The conjugation of verb to be in the indicative mood Present Singular Plural ειμι I am εσμεν Study more …..

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